Floodplain Management

Floodplain Management 

Everyone has some risk of flooding no matter where your property is located.  There is a 26% chance of experiencing a flood during the life of a 30-year mortgage.

Floodplain management is the operation of a community program of preventive and corrective measures to reduce the risk of current and future flooding, resulting in a more resilient community. Various measures are carried out by multiple stakeholders with a vested interest in responsible floodplain management and generally include requirements for zoning, subdivision or building, building codes and special-purpose floodplain ordinances. 

Floodplain Development Requirements

Any development in the floodplain requires a permit. Please contact the Community Services Department, before starting construction or altering the natural elevation of your property in any way.

Report any illegal floodplain development to the Building Department at the number above, Code Enforcement at 964-1515 or the Police non-emergency dispatch center at 964-1114.

Functions of the Local Floodplain

The Town of Lake Clarke Shores utilizes swales to collect storm water and carry it away from homes. Because the swales are wider than they are deep, the storm water is spread over a broader area. This allows the water to drain into the adjacent soil.  During times of heavy rains, the swales direct the water into the storm drains, canals and lakes that surround the area to prevent flooding.

Swale areas should be kept clear of debris that could block the flow of water. The grass that grows within the swale prevents swale erosion and filters the water. This also helps to remove the sediments, heavy metals and hydrocarbons, such as oil, from the water runoff before it reaches the storm drains, canals and waterways.  Swale areas along the edge of the road require maintenance. Grass should be kept low and only sod should be planted in the swale.

Driveways must conform to swale regulations so that they will not impede the flow of water into storm drains, canals and lakes.  Anytime a driveway is installed or replaced the swale must follow current Town Code as well as Florida Building Code. 

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is needed to protect your property and belongings. You can purchase flood insurance to cover the contents of your home, even if you are renting the home. 

The Town of Lake Clarke Shores participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administers this program. The NFIP’s Community Rating System (CRS) recognizes community efforts beyond those minimum standards by reducing flood insurance premiums to residents of that community. The CRS assigns credit points based on additional flood protection activities that communities provide to help save lives and property in the event of a flood. Lake Clarke Shores currently has a rating of 8, which means that town residents owning property located in a special flood hazard area can save 10% on their flood insurance.  

Contact your insurance carrier to obtain more information on protecting your property with flood insurance. NOTE: It takes 30 days for a flood insurance policy to go into effect. Click on the FEMA link below for more information about flood insurance.

FEMA Education Information

As a member of the National Flood Insurance Program, the Town has educational materials pertaining to floodplain management available in the lobby at Town Hall.

  • Nothing Can Dampen the Joy of Homeownership 
  • Flood Preparation and Safety
  • Benefits of Flood Insurance Versus Disaster Assistance
  • Homeowner's Guide to Retrofitting
  • Top 10 Facts for Consumers
  • Preparing Makes Sense Get Ready Now
  • Why You Ned Flood Insurance
  • Family Disaster Plan

Flood Warning System

Palm Beach County Emergency Management maintains direct contact with the National Weather Service (NWS) during flood or other weather related emergencies.

In the event of an emergency, the residents of Lake Clarke Shores should stay tuned to local TV or radio stations known to have an active news bureau or to a NOAA weather radio for weather information. Evacuation routes will be announced when an evacuation order is issued. Main evacuation routes for Lake Clarke Shores include Forest Hill Blvd and I-95. If an incident were to occur, the Lake Clarke Shores Police Department would also use loudspeakers to provide residents with evacuation information. Make plans ahead of time, so that family members know where you will be if you need to evacuate the area.

Lake Clarke Shores the CodeRED Emergency Notification System. By using this system, the Town would inform residents of emergency situations by telephone, text message, email and the CodeRED mobile app. Click HERE to learn more about CodeRED Emergency Notification System and add your information to our database.